The Ten Axioms of Choice Theory by William Glasser
Mastering Squash and Rebase in SourceTree
Ending the Development of Codebender
What I Learned Trying to Convert and Quantize a Model to GGUF
LongPomo: Focus for Developers
My utilities
ASO: App Store Optimization
Principios SOLID
Cómo me gustaría que fuera la programación
Arquitecturas de flujo unidireccional para iOS
Why plans fail
Por qué fallan las planificaciones
Sobre la depresión
About depression
Mundo falso
Fake world
Terminal coloreada con zsh
Colored Terminal with zsh
Tesla será en la empresa más grande del mundo
Tesla will be the largest business in the world
Mis proyectos de AI
Cómo nos gusta complicar las cosas
Piensa por ti mismo
El autoengaño de los programadores
Montar empresa LLC en EEUU
Una verdadera inteligencia artificial
Prototipos desechables
Data types
Mentalidad de software
Intuition about AI models
Aspect-oriented programming
"Más allá del orden" de Jordan B. Peterson
Xilografía alquímica en libro de Jordan Peterson
Advanced Ruby: DSL
"El Hombre Más Rico de Babilonia"
"Piense y hágase rico" de Napoleon Hill
iOS 14: App Clips
Great Developer Habits
Advanced Ruby: duck typing
Advanced Ruby: dynamic typing
Advanced Ruby: metaclasses
Advanced Ruby: class << self
Advanced Ruby: module eval
Advanced Ruby: Object-Specific Classes
Advanced Ruby: Mixins
Advanced Ruby
"Deep Work" de Cal Newport
"12 reglas para vivir: un antídoto al caos" de Jordan Peterson
How to decode/encode custom containers with different objects types in with Swift
Best WWDC videos
Software tools for business, freelances and startups
Machine Learning for Titanic dissaster - Kaggle competition
Machine Learning with Jupyter Labs
Learning how to learn
How to add comments to Gitlab 'Merge Request' from CI script
Walt Disney method to be creative
"Outliers" de Malcom Gladwell
"Influencia" de Cialdini
My Toastmasters Icebreaker
Cita de Nassim Nicholas Taleb en su libro "Antifrágil"
Simulate slow network in macOS
Printing in iOS
"De 0 a 1" de Peter Thiel
Nice cocoapods
How to make a rebase with Source Tree creating only one new commit with new message
Long-Pomodoro Technique (republished)
How to generate an static web from a Rails project
MVVM architecture pattern in iOS (improved)
Launch a clean Rails server every time the Xcode unit test are launched
La Arquitectura Limpia
App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP prevent http queries to success
Removing directory not found warning from Xcode
Test scan QR NPD
To solve retain cycle leak using self inside blocks
Install Bootstrap into Rails apps
Download a site
How to run Swift from Command Line
Auto-increment BUILDNUMBER for Xcode Projects
Long-Pomodoro Technique
IBM Design: language
Why do some developers at strong companies like Google consider Agile development to be nonsense?
Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
Invoke code from the main queue
How to marshal a Ruby object
Circular progress indicator control
The Joel Test For Programmers (The Simple Programmer Test)
New TestFlight
iOS 7 sound recording
Git course
Orientation change on iOS 6
Decorated git commits
Colored terminal simplificated
Great Xcode keyboard shotcuts
Create your own graphic control in iOS
Xcode snippets
‘Version’ and ‘Build’ numbers in the Xcode projects
Write in spanish with an american keyboard
Xcode - keyboard shortcuts
Rails tricks
CoreData with multithread
Bug CoreData - cells dessapear
CSS Framework 960 grid
Debug with Objective-C
How To upload a Rails app to Heroku
iOS Dimensions
Using static libraries in Xcode 4
To memorize
Appearance of UIKit
Colored Terminal for Mac OS X [improved]
Business Models
Objective-C helpers
Background iOS location
Core Location iPhone / iPad
Git for Mac
iOS Multiple Version Programming
HeaderDoc for Xcode
Grand Central Dispatch samples
NSOperation class
NSDate formatter snippets
Multidevice programming
iOS Multitasking
@property attributes
Save custom objects in NSUserDefaults
Change iOS executable app name
UITableView index
Sandbox environment for iPhone development
Subclassing UIView
Resource file for data initialization
Xcode 4: release build directory
BUG: Invalid content size ‘ADBannerContentSizeLandscape’
Ignoring build directory for svn
Sending mail with MFMailComposeViewController
Floating UIPickerView like the Safari one
@ in the name of a file - subversion
Launching the App Store from iPhone app
Objective-C Singleton
Colored Terminal for Mac OS X
iPhone - Splash screen
Recursively remove directories - UNIX
Cancel button in UIActionSheet fails when touching bottom half of its frame
Xcode breakpoints disabled in Release mode
Internationalization for iOS
How to get YouTube video screenshot image
iOS4 Issue: NSURLConnection and NSOperation
VPN client - Mac OS X
RDoc Notation Reference
Implement http digest authentication with Rails
Eliminate extended attributes of files saved with Textmate
Usando http digest authentication con Ruby
Bases de datos de códigos de barras
Capristano falla al realizar deploy
Usando Ruby on Rails sin base de datos
Datos zaragoza
Soundex: fonetic search
Ejemplo de Javascript Ajax
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