Git for Mac
1. Install git from:
git-osx-installer for Mac OS X
2. Configure:
$git config --global "Your name here"
$git config --global ""
$git config --global merge.tool vimdiff
$git config --global core.editor vim
$git config --global color.ui true
3. Commands:
- Help:
$ git help
- Initialization: In the project root directory execute this:
$ git init
- Common usage:
$ git add # add new files or modified ones to be commited
$ git commit -m "message"
- Delete last 3 commits:
$ git reset --hard HEAD~3
- Undo last changes:
$ git revert # This option creates a new commit with the last changes removed
4. Branches
- Create branch
$ git branch
- Change current branch
$ git checkout
- Merge two branches
$ git merge # Merges current branch with
- Delete branch
$ git branch -d
5. Tags
- Create tag
$ git tag
# The tag names can be used with other
# git commands like $ git checkout
6. Remote repository
- Configure remote repository
$ git remote add origin
- Send files to remote repository
$ git push -u origin master
- Retrive files from remote repository
$ git pull
7. Misc
- Hide the current changes
$ git stash
- Recover last hidden changes
$ git stash pop
- Download all tracked branches
$ git remote update
$ git pull --all
- To track a branch
$ git checkout -b localbranchName origin/remotebranchname
- List all branches, even those not tracked
$ git branch -a