Advanced Ruby: module eval
Advance Ruby: module_eval
With the expresion module_eval
passing one string like argument, you can define methods dinamically. Yes, you read it right: you can create methods to a class, module or object, to any context dinamically. Write a string with code that generates some method, and with module_eval
you can inject that code into the current context.
This is a sample writen by Tadayoshi Funaba:
def ExampleDate.once(*ids)
for id in ids
module_eval <<-"end_eval".
alias_method :__#{id.to_i}__, #{id.inspect}
def #{id.id2name}(*args, &block)
def self.#{id.id2name}(*args, &block)
@__#{id.to_i}__ = __#{id.to_i}__(*args, &block)
This code is going to be executed once, thanks to the once
expression behind the method name. Then for each element in the parameters, the module_eval
is going to create an alias of a method and define a new method.